MD & DC PPO Plans

MD & DC Medicaid Plans

Home Care Instructions

The following information is provided to aid you and your child after he / she has had routine dental treatment in our office.

Local Anesthetic

 Local Anesthetic was used during your child’s dental treatment. As a result their mouth will be “numb” for approximately 2 – 4 hours. Watch them closely to see that your child does not bite, scratch or injure the cheek, lips or tongue. Some children become very upset (even crying) and complain of pain when they realize their mouth feels “different.” Please do not be alarmed! Many children are unfamiliar with this numb sensation and associate this with pain. Reassure your child that the “funny feeling” will go away in approximately 4 hours.

Dental Fillings

After the placement of dental fillings (white or silver), teeth may often be sensitive to hot, cold and pressure for a brief period of time. It is not uncommon for recently filled teeth to require several weeks to feel “normal” again.

Stainless Steel Crowns

Your child’s teeth have been covered with a stainless steel crown which has been shaped to fit the tooth, cover it completely and strengthen the tooth thereby allowing your child to maintain that tooth until it naturally falls out. The gum tissue surrounding the tooth may appear to be bleeding. This is normal! When preparing your child’s tooth for a crown, it is necessary to fit the crown closely to the gum tissue, resulting in some hemorrhaging and bruising of the tissue. Following placement of the crowns some parents will notice a purple or gray color around the gums; this is also normal and will subside over time.

Pulpotomy (Baby Root Canal)

When your child receives a nerve treatment it is usually not necessary to prescribe any pain medication. Children that do experience discomfort usually do fine with Tylenol or Ibuprofen (follow directions on the bottle).

Dental Extractions

After dental extractions your child will have gauze pressure packs placed to control normal bleeding from the site of the extraction. Most dental extractions are routine and it is unlikely that your child will need any pain medication or any antibiotics. Do not allow your child to suck from a straw or drink carbonated beverages for 48 hours – this may prolong bleeding due to disrupting the normal blood clotting process.

Nitrous Oxide

 Oxygen – “Laughing Gas” was used during your child’s dental appointment. Nitrous Oxide has a proven track record of being very safe, providing exceptional relief of anxiety with the only side effect being that of nausea but only in very rare instances.

Oral Sedation

Your child should be under ADULT SUPERVISION and NOT BE ALLOWED TO PLAY near streets, stairways, and other areas where he/she may be injured by falling. DROWSINESS IS A NORMAL effect of the medication. If your child does go home and sleep, make sure he/she only sleeps on their side. Do not have a pillow in front of your child’s face. Complications that occur may include NAUSEA, BLURRED VISION, DOUBLE VISION, GAGGING, AND HICCUPS. As the sedative wears off, your child may complain of a slightly upset stomach. A glass of milk will help top overcome this temporary discomfort.

Swelling and Pain

Mild swelling and discomfort are normal occurrences following some dental procedures. Any significant swelling or moderate to severe pain needs the attention of the dental office so it can be properly managed. Child may bite his or her lower lip out of curiosity associated with the unfamiliar sensation of being numb or inadvertently because no pain is felt. Accidental lip biting can also occur during eating or sleeping. Swelling should go down within 48hrs.

Diet and Other Limitations

After dental treatment, especially dental extractions, your child’s diet should initially consist of soft foods (jello, pudding, smoothies) and clear non-carbonated beverages (water, juice, Gatorade). Avoid eating crunchy or sticky foods.